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Announcement of “Beauty in the Difference” Art Competition Results

June 19, 2024

Announcement of “Beauty in the Difference” Art Competition Results:

We are honored to announce the list of winners for the “Beauty in the Difference” Art Competition! After rigorous evaluation by a professional panel of judges, the following art works have emerged as the final winners:

金奬作品:《心的海洋》 – 梁詠姗
銀奬作品:《我畫百家姓/喜樂吉祥 》- 黃家麒
奬銅作品:《 魚願以償》- 李京岸
《綠意盎然》- 梁文廸
《生龍活虎》- 張嘉峰
《獨視其身》- 董晨晨

We once again thank all the participants for their involvement. Your outstanding works made it difficult for the judging panel to make decisions. We sincerely congratulate the winners and look forward to seeing more of your brilliant art creations in the future!


June 19, 2024